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Newsletter Archive

FREELANCERS #9 - 07/03/23



Hope people enjoyed the lighter story last month. It was fun, but I keep running into writing poems and things without planning on it. There's probably a poet and didn't know it joke in there somewhere.


Progress Update

I dove headfirst into editing Lost Souls (Phoenix Company Book 1.5). The .5's will be anthologies of short stories/novellas to explore more of the characters and Aesteria universe. It's a chance for me to do something fun and unconventional. Give more context to people and conflicts while setting up things for the future. The structure will be sort of like Last Wish from the Witcher series by Andrzej Sapkowski (awesome book, by the way).


I'm very proud of how this one is turning out. Might be a thing where I could see people reading Lost Souls as their intro to the series, then go back to read Inglorious Resurrection. I'd be very interested to hear the perspective from someone who reads the two books in reverse order.


I've moved into the final stages for releasing my books wide across more platforms. The process of filling out W-8's isn't too bad, but back end tax business tends to wrinkle my brain. Updated covers for Book 1 and 0.5 only ned a few nudges before they're finalized. So things are coming together for some upcoming releases.


If you're interested in getting an early look at Lost Souls once the manuscript is ready in the next few weeks, please let me know. I'll be looking for ARC reviewers soon.


You can reply to this newsletter or email me at, if you're interested.

This month is a little surreal for me. I'll be marking the one year anniversary of hitting the publish button on my debut novel this week. I hope I never forget those butterflies I felt before hitting that button on the Amazon author dashboard. I think I had everything pretty much ready for Inglorious Resurrection almost a month before I published, but kept nervously making miniscule tweaks here and there, partially to delay the big moment where I put my work out into the world.


The feeling was probably amplified knowing that I can trace the creative roots of Phoenix Company back as far as 2010 or earlier. I'm a few years from my 40th birthday, so it's weird to call something my life's work. Especially this early into my official career as an author. But it kind of feels like it.


In retrospect, it's amazing to me how much I've learned and grown since I hit the button. The cover art progress alone is pretty night and day. After everything I've learned, marketing does still feel like this, though.

The more I contemplate my goals and expectations with writing, I think Phoenix Company is my baby. In the sense that I'm very particular about all the creative elements in this story. I plan on releasing some other series or standalone books that are more to market from the ground up in the future. They'll still have the creative core and soul that I pour into it, but they'll likely fit in more easily with other successful titles (if all goes to plan).


I've haven't quite found the market for Phoenix Company even though it's not too out there in terms of story, structure and content. We'll see how the wide release goes, but I'm guessing it will likely stay my weird indie darling that bends some of the rules. Something unapologetically everything I love blended together. A story about misfits fitting in with each other written by someone who always kind of struggled with that.


If you know any other books/movies/shows that felt like the creator's baby, I'd love to hear about them.

If you have any questions or comments for me, go ahead and reply to this newsletter, email me at or message me on twitter at I'm open to feedback or suggestions on the newsletter as well.


Also, if you've read my books or others, please leave them a review on appropriate sites like distributors, Goodreads, Bookbub, etc. It makes a big difference.


Thanks very much for reading. I'll send something fun on the 15th. Have a good one. 




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