
Newsletter Archive
FREELANCERS #39 - 01/15/25
​Happy New Year!
Hope you liked the adventure with the Nova Sisters last month. As usual, could see more of them in the future. The aftermath of their shenanigans could be a whole book unto itself (that might be loosely plotted out already).
This one's a quick progress update with some spicy developments. Will have a new short story out next month.
​Progress/Life Update
While plugging away at Phoenix Company Book 2, I read a post on the 20Booksto50K author group on Facebook. Someone mentioned they weren't seeing much success with their sci-fi series, until they retooled it to be lewd. I've been bouncing around multiple ideas for something standalone for a while. This gave me a what-the-hell burst of inspiration, so I've started writing a spicy story on the side.

Not gonna lie, I'm feeling pretty good about it so far. Story so far follows a young space ranger on the hook for a crime he tried to stop. With the clock ticking, he goes on an adventure to find those responsible and reconnect with the love of his life, who might be involved in the crime, along the way.
My current goal is to write something worthwhile with interesting characters and an engaging plot, while keeping it light, fun, funny, and sexy. If it takes off, that means more resources to build everything I want to build over here.
Going to test out Kindle Unlimited again, and I'm not meticulously planning all the beats to get as close to pantsing (writing by the seat of your pants/not plotting everything) as I'm comfortable getting. It's also been a testing ground for writing shorter, snappy chapters to make my work more of a page-turner. Which has had the unexpected side effect of making writing it easier to pace out.
I'll still be doing what I'm doing over here, but this feels like a worthwhile experiment. I know and fully understand how spicy stuff isn't for everyone, so beyond a discreet link here and there, I won't have that stuff in Freelancers.
If you're interested in updates on the spicy stories, you can reply to this email and let me know so I can add you to the list. Will definitely need beta readers for this when a draft is ready in a month or 3. I fell over laughing and almost woke up the baby when my wife said I should call them Master Betas.
Otherwise, I've been starting the new year at a good pace writing wise. My goal is to have at least 2 releases in 2025, possibly shooting for a 3rd. Feeling good about sharing lots of fun, cool stuff this year :D.
Hope you liked this action-packed romp. Felt like doing something a little lighter and silly. I often get in my own head about whether an idea will work or not. But sometimes it's best to just have fun and hope the reader does too.
Here's the link to the archive of newsletters in case you missed any.
Talk to you next month. Have a good one!