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Newsletter Archive

FREELANCERS #1 - 03/03/23



Welcome to the first Freelancers newsletter! Thanks very much for signing up. I'm thinking I'll send the more personal newsletter that's me talking directly to y'all on the 3rd of every month. On the 15th, I'll do more fun in-universe stuff like a short story, Freelancer broadcasts and things like that.


Scroll down for a link to a giveaway and some free ebooks from other Sci Fi Fantasy authors.

I've got a lot of irons currently in the fire. Recently wrapped up a revised editing pass on Inglorious Resurrection. I've learned a lot since I began my self-publishing journey last July. I'm proud of what I released, but I felt like it could use one more pass before I prepare it for print and a wide release. Nothing major, just some extra polish.


I'm plugging away at streamlining my process for writing and releasing books. Picking up software like ProWritingAid for editing and Atticus for formatting has been a great help. On top of swapping from Sketchbook to Clip Studio Paint for artwork, which I'm the least comfortable with right now. Still determined to improve, but that part takes more mental steel to work through at my skill level.


The next book in the Phoenix Company series, Lost Souls, is lined up for a final editing pass. There's a lot of cool stories in it I'm excited to show everyone. Then it's artwork for new Book 1, Book 1.5 covers and possibly some edits to In The Storm based on some feedback I've received. Once that's all done and they're released, it's on to Book 2, The Phantom's Gambit!


My research into cover design has been a bit of a struggle for me. There's a lot to consider when reconciling the creative side with the realities of the business. Sometimes, they blend harmoniously, but other times, you have to prioritize one or the other. I fully admit, these feelings are mostly the artsy, indie side of me protesting and being dramatic. But it's still something weighing on my mind since I put a lot of myself into every step of the process.


Finding the balance between what I want to create, how I want to create it and what's more marketable has been a bit of a trip for me. But that's okay. I'm realizing that my goal is to make what I want to make while still selling enough to get by. Phoenix Company is my baby, so it's hard to compromise what I want to do when it doesn't match with what often sells books.


How important are book covers to you? Do you mind the slightly altered stock photos and familiar designs? Are you intrigued when you see something different on the shelf, or does it stand out in a less good way?


(By the way, I'm not knocking any other author's choices at all. To each their own, and it's hard to argue with success. Just talking about how I feel about my stuff.)


I'd like to keep the personal side of these newsletters more informal, so feel free to reply to this email and tell me how you're doing. How's life? How are you feeling? Anything cool you're into and want to share? Watch any cool shows, movies, anime? Any funny memes make you laugh? Play any cool video games? I've been big into a roguelike dice game called Slice & Dice lately.


Apologies to anyone who found me through this promo, but I signed up for a Bookfunnel newsletter building promo I'd like to share. It's a Sci-Fi and Fantasy giveaway where you can download a ton of cool ebooks for free and enter for a chance to win more. Please click the image or button below and check them out :)




If you have any questions or comments for me, go ahead and reply to this newsletter, email me at or message me on twitter at I'm open to feedback or suggestions on the newsletter as well.


Also, if you've read my books or others, please leave them a review on appropriate sites like distributors, Goodreads, Bookbub, etc. It makes a big difference.


Thanks very much for reading. I'll send something fun on the 15th. Have a good one. 


(That's the middle C in G.C.Camacho)


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